Michelle Coulson Michelle Coulson

Elon Musk is wrong about remote work!

We now have research to argue that Elon Musk was wrong about remote work! Read the following article to discover how the Return To Office (RTO) mandates were more about ego, control, and fear than actual benefits to the company.

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Michelle Coulson Michelle Coulson

Bali's Digital Nomad Visa is Finally Here!

The long awaited Bali digital nomad visa is finally here! Read the following article to find out what are the requirements to make your work from Bali dream a reality.

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Michelle Coulson Michelle Coulson

How To Answer Remote Job Interview Questions

Job interviews can be intimidating and more so when it's a remote job interview. Read this week's article to discover how to best prepare for a remote job interview, along with tips on how to answer some of these questions.

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Michelle Coulson Michelle Coulson

Romania - A Digital Nomad’s Haven

Romania, the most underrated gem for digital nomads in Europe. From the people to the food, to the stunning landscapes and, most importantly, reliable WiFi, I'm in awe of this wonderful country. Read the following article and discover why Romania should be at the top of your digital nomad adventures.

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Michelle Coulson Michelle Coulson

Remote CV Tips

Want to land a fully remote job? Let’s start with some resume (CV) tips.

Check the following key points to make a fully remote CV and land your dream job

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Michelle Coulson Michelle Coulson

Manchester United bans remote work

Being a Manchester United fan myself, I am deeply bothered by their recent ban on remote work. Read this week's article to find out how the football club is using remote work as a scapegoat for their poor performance this season.

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Michelle Coulson Michelle Coulson

Why You Should Never Accept a Counter Offer

You finally found the courage to leave your company that won’t let you work remotely, and you landed your dream remote job. Then, your current company offers you a 10% salary increase to stay… What do you do? Read this week's article to find out why you should never accept a counteroffer.

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Michelle Coulson Michelle Coulson

Italy has launched its digital nomad visa

Pizza all day, every day! The long-awaited Italy digital nomad visa is finally here! Read the article to understand the requirements and start planning your move to Italy!

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Michelle Coulson Michelle Coulson

Benefits of Remote Work with Dogs

Being able to work alongside my four-legged friends is something I truly treasure as one of the great perks of remote work. Read this week's article to discover the many benefits of remote work with dogs.

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Michelle Coulson Michelle Coulson

Glassdoor 'Doubles Down' on Remote Work

Even as many companies strive to draw employees back to physical offices, Glassdoor decides to double down on its remote-first stance. Read this week's article to find out why despite some challenges, Glassdoor aims to maximise the potential of remote work.

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Michelle Coulson Michelle Coulson

Top 10 Work From Anywhere Companies

Want to work remotely from anywhere in the world? Read this week's article to discover 10 companies that are hiring remotely from Anywhere

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