Remote CV Tips

Searching for your dream remote job can feel like a rollercoaster ride. One moment you’re motivated and determined, the next you feel confused and disheartened because all of your efforts lead to nothing.

Remote Rebellion is here to help you stay on track so that you land a fully remote job.

Let’s start with some resume (CV) tips because a strong resume is vital if you want to get a remote job you actually enjoy!

Check the following tips to learn what you should and shouldn't include on a winning remote work resume.

1) Personal Details

Other than your name and contact details, take out any other personal details. This includes your date of birth, nationality (unless relevant), religion, address and any references. It's not needed for remote jobs and could lead to conscious or unconscious bias!

2) A winning Summary

In 30- 70 words summarise your experience and what sets you apart from other [INSERT JOB TITLE]. Be sure to include specialisms and industries. The last sentence should be what you're looking for- be as specific as you want and be sure to include 'remote'!

3) Key Skills/ Achievements

Make it easier for recruiters and hiring managers to see what your highlights are- these should be mostly hard skills (such as technical, and sales) with around 30% soft skills, such as communication. Include the top 4-8 depending on the job you're applying to and be sure to include metrics/ proof of the skill.

4) Work rights & Timezones

Rather than add your location, state which time zones you can work in. Whilst employers don't need to know where you're from (nationality), some need to know if you have the right to work in a particular country. If you have citizenship/work rights that are relevant to the companies you're applying to be sure to add them. If not, leave it out.

Want to land a fully remote job? Download the free CV Checklist to get started


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