Jet 🇺🇸

Instructional UX/UI Designer

I spent a lot of time rebranding myself this year. It all started when I enrolled in a course. Then I needed to rewrite my resume. I did just that, and when I was done the ATS scanners scored it 24/100. I actually spilled for a couple jobs using this resume. I needed help. This is where the Remote Rebellion team came in.

I enrolled in the Remote Job Academy course ands began digging in…. Watching 2-3 videos a day, making all the necessary adjustments to my LinkedIn profile, my resume, and holding off on applying, based on Michelle’s recommendations. I reworked my resume using various ATS scanners till I got it to 100/100.

I did start noticing more LinkedIn traffic, but nothing concrete. I wrapped up the RR training course ands was ready for action. And then it happened. I got the call for an interview.

Michelle had prepared me with how to put the lists of questions together, keep the focus on what I would bring to the company…

Then i got the second interview. With the boss. I had my list right in front of me, and remembered to use my hands in the video call, to build trust. Then the boss started using her hands. It went off without a hitch. Then i got called for an interview with the team the next day. Again, focusing on the list, remembering all the things i would bring to the position.. that interview went off like a miracle (keeping focused is key).

Long story short, I listed an amount that i would work for on the application, but because of the level I interviewed at, they up’d what I requested in their offer by 140%. I was shocked. And again, thought back to the training, and said that sounds good but I’ll need to see the contract to be sure that it meets my needs.

Guess what, it did. The scary part is that i got the job with a resume that scored 24/100, but because of the things that Michelle teaches in her RR course, I was able to land a dream job doing what I love to do.

The best thing I can say to anyone looking for a remote job is to follow the steps, be flexible and let it happen, don’t be so rigid that you edge yourself out.

The universe will rise up to meet you where your are.

Take good notes, and PRACTICE. Talk To yourself in front of the mirror, ask your friends to interview you.

WHATEVER it takes.

Michelle’s Remote Job Academy course will provide you with the basic skills you need to get yourself out there, but ultimately YOU have to do the work.


Michelle will help you with the foundation, it’s up to you to determine exactly what you want your remote work life to look like.

Invest in yourself. Get the professional help Michelle offers. Now, get to work!


John 🇳🇿


Joel 🇲🇺