A toxic relationship is a lot like a 'bad'​ job

Hear me out here- a toxic relationship doesn't necessarily mean the person you're with is bad- they're just not good for you.

A 'bad job' is very much the same.

You could be paid really well, your colleagues are great and the job is interesting enough. BUT, if that job doesn't give you the freedom and flexibility to have a life outside of work, which research shows is very important- what does that leave you with?

Valentines Day has come and gone (how could we forget). We scrolled through all of the seemingly happy couples 'expressing their love' with flowers, cards, meals out etc. My sceptical brain wonders how much of this is smoke and mirrors, masking deep routed relationship issues just like companies offering 'free snacks' and a 'great culture' with a team that plays ping pong on their lunch break in the office. That same company may offer these things, but not actually trust their employees to work from where they choose best for their mental health and productivity.

Do you crave that flexibility and trust? Does your current company not allow you to work remotely?


Remote work isn't just about working in your PJs...


Fully remote jobs DO exist!