The Top 7 Remote Jobs in 2023

So many people ask me, what job can I do remotely?

Well- there’s no quick answer, as it really does depend. First I always ask- what do you enjoy doing? What DON’T you want? What’s important to you?

Getting a really clear picture of the kinds of things you like doing and the things you actually care about is the most important first step in landing a remote job. Just applying for anything and being willing to take just anything will not end well and you’ll probably just end up searching and applying again in a few months’ time.

I’ve helped hundreds of people to land a fully remote job in my years at Remote Rebellion, but if you ask me what the most common job titles are that I’ve helped- there are 7 that come to mind. Here are the top 7 in no particular order…

1- Software Engineer

Kind of obvious, right?! In your search for a remote job, this is probably the majority of remote jobs you come across. That may have led you down the path of considering learning how to code, if you’re not a software engineer already of course My advice to you would be, don’t! Unless you have a particular interest in coding and it’s a passion of yours, don’t go down this path simply because it seems like an easier route to getting a remote job.

It isn’t!

There are so many others doing this and the market is flooded with entry-level software engineers or developers!

Instead, find something else you’re truly interested in.

2- UI/UX Designer

Now, if you have an eye for aesthetics, an innate sense of user experience, and a knack for making things look good and work seamlessly, this might be your calling.

Think about it: You get to shape the look and feel of digital products, making them more user-friendly and visually appealing. Plus, with the rise of remote work, many companies are open to hiring talented designers from anywhere in the world.

But hold on a second! Before you dive headfirst into the world of UX/UI design, remember that it's not all about playing with colours and creating beautiful interfaces. It also involves user research, wireframing, prototyping, and collaborating closely with developers and product managers.

3- Product Manager

Product Managers are proxies for project managers. (Uh, no.) It’s time to end that conversation. A project manager is responsible for managing non-technical projects and special programs — not launching major products.

It is very important to put two and two together and really identify which remote work you would go for.

With the right tools and communication skills, you can effectively lead your team and bring your product vision to life, all while sipping coffee in your pyjamas at home. Sounds appealing, doesn't it?

However, it is not a walk in the park either. It involves endless meetings, making tough decisions, and being accountable for the product's success or failure. If you're up for the challenge and have the knack for strategic thinking and leadership, this could be your ideal remote gig.

4- Account / Customer Success Manager

In the world of remote work, companies are actively seeking Account Managers who can keep customers happy, engaged, and loyal from afar. This role involves understanding your client's needs, providing them with solutions, and ensuring their satisfaction.

But don't be fooled into thinking it's all about winning and dining with clients. It's also about problem-solving, data analysis, and being the bridge between customers and your company's product or service. If you're up for the challenge of remote relationship-building and have a knack for client satisfaction, this could be the perfect fit for you.

Remember, the key to finding the right remote job is not just about the job title but also about aligning your skills, interests, and passions with the role.

5- Sales / Business Development Manager

Lounging by the pool with a piña colada in hand while sealing deals could be the setup here… but, I wouldn’t make it a priority!

While the allure of remote work is undeniable, the world of sales doesn't magically turn into a tropical vacation. Sure, you'll have the freedom to work from anywhere, but remember, hitting those targets and building client relationships requires just as much hustle and determination, if not more, than working in a traditional office setting.

Before you dive headfirst into this adventure, ask yourself if the thrill of negotiating, networking, and strategizing keeps your adrenaline pumping. If the answer is a resounding "Yes!", then go ahead and chase those remote sales dreams.

6- Project Manager

Meet the remote role that's all about keeping the trains running on time, figuratively speaking, of course.

Don't be fooled into thinking that remote project management is all about setting up a few video calls and delegating tasks in your pants. It's about seamless communication, impeccable organization, and the finesse of a tightrope walker, balancing timelines and team dynamics.

Sure, you won't be confined to a cubicle, but you will need to craft a digital workspace where every team member feels connected and informed. But if you're more of a lone wolf seeking a remote escape, keep reading!

7- Marketing Manager

Contrary to popular belief, a background in art and visual design is not necessary to succeed in marketing. As you scroll through job listings in pursuit of a remote gig, Marketing Manager might seem intimidating but fear not!

It isn't just about crafting catchy copy and designing eye-catching visuals—it's about understanding the ever-shifting digital landscape and mastering the art of capturing online attention amidst the noise. While you might not have to endure a daily commute, you'll still need to navigate the virtual highways of social media algorithms and SEO trends.

Could this might just be the one?

The jobs above are the top 7 that I have personally helped people to land with Remote Rebellion, but I predict this list will look very different in a few years or even months. Stay tuned in one of the next newsletters to find out what the predictions of more ‘future-proof’ remote jobs will look like!

Ready to apply to genuine remote jobs, now?

Check these out👇

100% Remote Jobs

Stay rebellious,



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