7 Ways to Optimise LinkedIn to Get a Remote Job 👀

If so, you're not alone. 

It's easy to miss out on these opportunities unless you know how to use LinkedIn to its full potential. 

Here are seven ways to optimise your LinkedIn profile for your remote job search so that you'll be connected with employers who have the right remote jobs for you:

1. Specify that you are open to remote jobs. Click on "Open To", then go down to "Find A New Job" and check off the box next to "Workplace — Remote". You can use up to 5 job titles and remote locations, so use them all and ensure they’re the most commonly used job titles.

2. Make sure your profile picture is high-resolution. This means no selfies or low-resolution photos — it can be as simple as a close-up headshot, and don’t be afraid to show a little of your personality!

3. Your headline is the second thing people see after your picture when they check out your profile. Customise your headline to make it really clear what you’re looking for/ what you do and keep it under 120 characters. For example, mine is “I'll Show You How To Get a Remote Job | 9 years in Recruitment | 100% Remote Work Advocate 🌎”

4. Your LinkedIn summary/about section is one of the most competitive parts of your profile, so it's important to make sure it's as compelling as possible. Say who you are, what you do in a nutshell and how you would provide value to an organisation.  Keep it in the first person, after all, you’re writing it about yourself, not someone else! 

5. Add keywords related to the job title, industry, company name or location (if relevant) you are targetting in both the skills section and experience section. This will help recruiters find and contact you when they see an opening that matches your skillset and experience. For example, if you want to work as a freelance writer, your skills should include things like "copywriting" and "creative writing" (along with any others that are relevant).

6.  Follow remote-first companies on LinkedIn that you would like to work at. This way you’ll be the first to see if they post about a job and you’ll also come up higher in recruiters searches that work for that company!

7. As well as following remote-first companies you’re interested in working at, connect with hiring managers, recruiters and employees at your target companies. Create relationships, engage with people, and add value to conversations — take your time to build things up as you would in real life! Don’t jump straight into asking for something!

Those are just a few quick ways to increase your chances of finding remote work. I had a client who increased her following, profile views, and impressions by 60% in less than 6 months! As a result, she landed a flexible remote job so that she can still take her dog for walks at lunch and spend time with her husband without having the drain of the commute.

Impressive, right?

In the Remote Job Academy, I can help you optimise your LinkedIn profile (and much much more!) so that you get noticed and contacted by recruiters and hiring managers. I'd love to show you how it works- you can book a free discovery call to find out more.

Now, here’s a highlight of this week's 100% remote jobs👇

More Remote Jobs

Stay rebellious,



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