Women in the workplace and remote work ‘don’t work’ 🤨

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the women's suffrage movement gained momentum, advocating for equal rights and opportunities for women, including the right to work.

The World War I and World War II periods further accelerated women's entry into the workforce. With many men serving in the military, women took on jobs in various sectors to support the war efforts.

It wasn’t until the late 1940s that there was a significant expansion of women's employment opportunities in many countries.

However, it didn’t come without its challenges.

Women often faced discriminatory practices and limited career options.

Not to mention the conundrum around who would clean the house, cook dinner and look after the children!

Rather than embrace the new way of working and find solutions to the challenges it would have been better if they just stuck to what they knew and went back to being housewives...right?!

OK, I’m being facetious here to make a point because whenever I hear the words:

“Remote work doesn't work, we should return to the office”

my mind goes to this scenario and many other times in history when things changed, people adapted and why they're SO MUCH BETTER thanks to the change.

These adaptions don’t happen overnight, of course. It wasn’t until the feminist movement in the 1960s that brought attention to gender inequalities in the workplace, leading to legislative changes, improved access to education, and increased opportunities for women in various professions.

And over 60 years on there are still challenges to be faced and things to be improved upon.

As Robin Sharma puts it…

“Change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end”

So  if you run a business that has decided that “remote work doesn't work”, ask yourself:

  • Why?

  • What could we have tried but didn't?

  • What are the consequences of not offering remote work?

    • Financial

    • Hiring

    • Retaining staff

    • Time

    • Diversity

Again, it’s about weighing up the pros and cons. 

Ready to apply to genuine remote jobs? Check these out👇

100% Remote Jobs

Stay rebellious,



Top 20 Remote Jobs for Ultimate Work-From-Anywhere Freedom


Uruguay launches digital nomad visa for remote workers 🇺🇾