Want to be happier? It’s OK to ask for help 🤲​​

For those of you who celebrate Christmas, I hope you had a wonderful time with your loved ones and had some time to reflect on what’s important in life and what makes you happy. There are arguably 3 key pillars of happiness:

Health, wealth and relationships.

Of course, there are many things within these that can contribute to our well-being and happiness

A lot of people wouldn't think twice about hiring a sales or business coach to increase their wealth or a personal trainer to help them reach their health goals. 

So why is enlisting the help of an expert in other important areas of life attached to such stigma? 

It’s partly down to people’s expectations that “I should know this already” or feelings of shame that “I shouldn’t need help from someone else”. 

I get it. I love to cycle and have done it for years. I’ve been on multiple bike maintenance courses, and yet still, I just can’t seem to ‘get it’ when it comes to fixing anything on my bike.

I would battle through and tell myself, “you should know how to do this” and each time spend hours doing it myself and all I got was covered in oil and frustrated.

So, I eventually accepted that it's just not in my ‘wheelhouse’ and instead of spending hours of my precious time- I take my bike to a lovely guy who knows what he’s doing, and it saves me time and stress trying to do it myself.

In this case, it was pride and embarrassment that stopped me from going to a professional.

What would you like to do but need a little help with?

Do you want to spend more time with loved ones, move to the countryside or spend your lunch breaks walking your dog on the beach and you can’t because your job limits you to one location?

Whether you’ve been looking for a remote job for a few months and getting nowhere, or you don’t know where to start- it’s OK to ask for help! Especially if that means improving one, two or even 3 of the happiness pillars (health, wealth and relationships) sooner rather than later. 

But what if the reason you’re not enlisting the help of an expert is because you would rather not spend the money on it?

 “I don’t want to spend money on that, I can figure it out by myself”. That could be true. 

I could also wash my clothes by hand. It would be much cheaper than buying and running a washing machine. 

But you don’t buy a washing machine to save money- you get one to save your precious time and energy.

What’s more important to you? money or time? 

Instead of wasting hours scrolling through LinkedIn, let me show you how to get a fully remote job in just 6 simple steps.

Join the Remote Rebellion!

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And here are this week's remote jobs for you to check out 👇

More Remote Jobs

Stay rebellious,



New Year, New Remote Job💥


Give loved ones the gift of time this Christmas 🎄